Wakefield Orchestral Wind - putting the WOW into music since 1990!
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St Thomas' Church, Batley - 2nd December 2023
We helped to create a Christmassy atmosphere at St Thomas' Christmas Bazaar. hope you enjoy this performance of Deck the Halls!
Merry Christmas, everyone!
Trinity Walk - 16th December 2023
The Force was certainly with us when we entertained shoppers at Trinity Walk on Saturday!

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St Thomas' Church, Batley - 2nd December 2023
A group from the band had a wonderful time on Saturday morning at St Thomas' Christmas Bazaar!
Colton Methodist Church - 25th November 2023
A group from within the band had a really lovely time at Colton's Christmas Fayre!
Thank you to everyone who gave us such a warm welcome!

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The Mill Outlet and Garden Centre
18th November 2023
This morning, a small group from within the band entertained shoppers at The Mill Outlet, Batley with Christmas carols and Christmas tunes.
We were delighted when a very special guest turned up!!
Thank you to staff and shoppers at The Mill Outlet, Batley who gave us such a warm welcome!
St Peter's, Kirkthorpe - 4th November 2023
On Saturday we received a very warm welcome from St Peter's Church.
Thank you to everyone who came along to support us on such a wet and dreary afternoon.
We hope you enjoyed our performance!

The Fairburn Singers - Selby Abbey
14th October 2023
We had a wonderful evening as guests of the Fairburn Singers!
The evening concluded with choir and band joining forces for Requiem for a Soldier from Band of Brothers followed by Moment for Morricone!
Joint Rehearsal with The Fairburn Singers
On Monday 9th October we met with The Fairburn Singers in Ossett Community Centre to rehearse the joint items for our concert in Selby Abbey on Saturday 14th October.
Thank you to The Fairburn Singers for inviting us to be their guests!

Charity Concert in aid of The Prince of Wales Hospice - 30th September 2023
On Saturday, we held our charity concert at St George’s Church in aid of The Prince of Wales Hospice.
Our audience was very generous, and we raised an amazing £625.30 which will all be donated to the hospice in memory of Geoff Brodie – a much-loved former member of the band.
We were delighted to have one of the trustees of the hospice and members of Geoff’s family in attendance.
Our programme included Lord of the Dance, Barwick Green aka The Archer’s theme tune, Out of Africa, Mercadante’s Concerto for Horn, Fantasia on Black is the Color of my True Love’s Hair and much more besides.
We would like to thank everyone for their support!

Farnley Hall Park - 9th July 2023
There's sure to be a tune or two in this clip which will set your feet tapping!
Why not make a brew and enjoy your tea/coffee break with us?
This recording of Mancini! is from yesterday's performance at Farnley Hall Park as part of the Leeds Summer Bands programme.

Camphill - 1st July 2023
The band enjoyed entertaining the visitors to Camphill's Summer Fayre.
We played a wide variety of music including Out of Africa, Birdland, Barwick Green and Counting Stars! You can listen to some recordings on our Facebook page.
Gledhow Valley Woods - 18th June 2023
We had a lovely afternoon at Gledhow Valley Woods yesterday. Thank you to everyone who came to support us! And thank you for staying whilst we all sheltered from the rain for a few minutes.
Head over to our Facebook page to see our videos.

Please support Wakefield Orchestral Wind on #easyfundraising this year, you can raise FREE donations when you shop online with over 7,000 brands. It's simple and only takes 2 minutes to sign up! This will make a BIG difference to us. Sign up here:

Clarinet Vacancies - positions now filled
We're looking for a couple more players to complete our clarinet section. Players need to be of at least Grade 6 standard, or have suitable banding experience. If you are interested in joining us, please get in touch for a chat.